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Pezzini Luxury Homes are the premier resource for real estate information & services in Los Angeles, Hollywood Hills, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Santa Monica and more.
Our list of luxury homes, condos & apartments for sale will help you find the best properties not found on other listings. From the Hollywood Hills to the Sunset Strip and Laurel Canyon.
If you are selling your Los Angeles home, condo or apartment - Pezzini Luxury Homes would love to help with a FREE Market Valuation Analysis, to determine the value of your home.
We have our own California real estate Internet Marketing Platforms & Networks exclusive to the Pezzini Brand, as soon as your property is listed for sale with us it will be in front of potential buyers in minutes!
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Get to know Pezzini Luxury Homes
Luis Pezzini of Pezzini Luxury Homes is a leader in the Los Angeles Real Estate market and works primarily with high end clients.
His first company was founded in 2007 as Pezzini Real Estate and he’s been catering to people in the entertainment industry, foreign investors, and foreign nationals looking to purchase upscale personal and commercial real estate in the Hollywood and LA area.
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